Friday, August 26, 2011

What We're Reading: Cathy

Prophecy by S.J. Parris

The place is London, the time, 1583. This is the second novel (Heresy was the first) to feature Giordano Bruno - ex-monk, author, philosopher, seeker of arcane wisdom - as the protagonist. He is living in London now, still secretly working for Sir Francis Walsingham, the Queen's spymaster. Plots to dethrone Queen Elizabeth and put Mary Queen of Scots on the throne are rife. Bruno has convinced the staff of the French Embassy that he favors the Scottish queen so that he can get information on whatever plots they are involved in. Meanwhile 2 of Queen Elizabeth's waiting women are murdered. This rather un-nerves the Queen, who seeks help from her astrologer Dr. Dee as well as her "secret service." Bruno doesn't know who to trust and is followed several times and attacked - several times - and then saved by a mysterious defender. Bruno finally finds out who is behind the attacks but loses a friend. The period detail is wonderful, you almost feel like you are walking the streets of Elizabethan London.

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