Thursday, January 6, 2011

What We're reading: Edward

Exodus Quest
by Will Adams
Archaeologist Daniel Knox is still recovering from his discovery of the tomb of Alexander the Great, in his first adventure the "Alexander Cipher". In Alexandria he sees a bowl for sale that he thinks might be the top to a jar similar to the jars that contained the Dead Sea scrolls. There were two religious groups, the Essenes and the Therapeutae, which existed about the same time as the Jewish exodus from Egypt. At that time the Egyptian Pharaoh, Akhenaten, moved the capital of Egypt to Amarna and started to support the monotheistic god, Aten. Other artifacts from that time period have also surfaced recently. Daniel follows the bowl's trail to a dig run by a religious group. He believes that they are not truthfully answering his questions. When Daniel returns to the dig that night, he is almost killed in an convenient accident. Meanwhile the desiccated body of a girl is found out in the desert. Her autopsy reveals that she drowned! Has someone discovered Aten's tomb in Amarna? Daniel's girlfriend, Gaille, is taking a writer/filmmaker on a tour of Amarna. Her tour group is threatened by a group looking for the Pharaoh's tomb. Daniel races to find Gaille. Will he be able to interpret her clues and find her? Will their discoveries lead to proof that Aten was Moses and that he lead the Jews out of Egypt?

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