Thursday, July 8, 2010

What We're Reading: Tracy

The Spongebob Squarepants Survival Guide, by David Lewman.

In these trying times, a survival guide can be a very handy thing. This one won't tell you how to increase your 401K earnings, find a new job, stave off foreclosure, or pay for your health care, but if you find yourself trapped in a giant clam, trying to deflate a puffer fish, or needing to remove barnacles, this has got you covered. Plus, it's funny.

A sample:

"How To Avoid Getting Covered In Algae:

1. Move around. The less rocklike you are, the less likely you are to get covered in algae...
3. Make yourself unattractive to algae. Wear mismatched outfits. Don't wash. Monopolize conversations. Talk about yourself constantly. The unfortunate side effect here is that you'll be unattractive to everyone."

Obviously, getting some exercise and being socially adept is good advice even for those of us who live our lives unthreatened by algae.
There are hidden pearls of wisdom (pun intended) like these scattered throughout the book. Highly recommended for anyone who likes Spongebob, and/or those wishing to increase their chances of survival.

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