Wednesday, October 26, 2011

What We're Reading: Edward

"City of Fear: a novel"

by David Hewson

Sovrintendente Nic Costa and his team are on the security detail for the G8 conference in Rome. The kidnapping of a governmental official involved in the security for the conference begins the trail to the Blue Demon. The Blue Demon was a terrorist group that existed until after World War II. Nic's father and the current Italian Prime Minister were involved in the extermination of the group. The new head of the Blue Demon believes that he is the embodiment of the ancient Etruscans and that he should be ruling Rome. His terror attacks strike at the heart of Rome. Nic and his team are frozen out of the investigation by forces inside other police agencies. But Nic's private conversation with the Prime Minister puts the team on the right track to prevent further deaths. This eighth adventure for Nic is a good mixture of political intrigue, a murder mystery, a historical mystery, and a thriller.
Read the whole series!

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