Directed by Alexander Payne. Starring George Clooney, Shailene Woodley and Amara Miller.
This film is a powerful picture of a family in crisis . Matt King (Clooney) is a real estate lawyer in Hawaii whose wife is in a coma after a boating accident. He has been a “backup parent” to his two defiant daughters (Woodley and Miller) who like to remind him how absent he’s been. Moreover, Matt’s family is native to the Islands and his domestic troubles are complicated by descendant disagreements about the sale of real estate. Juggling all of these responsibilities and personalities in his life forces Matt to face realities about his family that he has missed. The film is set in the beauty and tranquility of the Hawaiian Islands - a contrast to the human turmoil caused by actions like betrayal and greed. The film is directed in such a way that both drama and humor contribute to the storytelling. All of the performances make the viewer care about the characters. However, George Clooney's acting makes us forget about his bachelor image as he struggles to father his precious daughters and cope with his lost spouse. It is a performance to be seen.