Directed by Rupert Wyatt. Starring James Franco, Andy Serkis, Freida Pinto and John Lithgow.
Now on DVD, Rise is a current day prequel to the Planet of the Apes franchise begun in the 1960s and 70s. It's science fiction basis is complemented by modern day moral dilemmas like gene and animal experimentation. It is also a tale of family love and emotion. The story revolves around Caesar, an orphan chimp who has inherited his mother's genetically engineered intelligence. Caesar is adopted by scientist Will (Franco) who is hopeful the genetics testing developed by he and his team will result in a drug to help his ailing father (Lithgow) with dementia. Caesar learns to love Will's family and develops caring and empathy. Unfortunately, Caesar aggressively defends Will's father against a neighbor and is sent to a brutal primate shelter. He develops rage and convinces the other apes to go on a rampage against humans that is larger -than-life and frightening onscreen. It is an interesting up-to-date story of primate in a human world-both good and bad. Caesar, portrayed by Andy Serkis and enhanced by amazing computer graphics, shows the viewer every emotion with his expressive face and movements.