Officer's Club
by Ralph Peters
Arizona's Fort Huachuca was founded to keep Geronimo in check. In the 1980s it serves as a Military Intelligence training facility. Wounded by the Vietnam War, the Army is focused on the expected war with Russia in Europe. Lieutenant Roy Banks is tasked by his superiors with devising a difficult battlefield scenario for the Fulda Gap. To deal with the isolation of the fort, Banks and his fellow officers form the Officer's Club. It is code for their Mexican weekends fueled by alcohol and sex. Lieutenant Jessica Lamoureaux works her wiles on her fellow officers. Banks resists her and warns everyone that she is trouble. Jessica manages to destroy many of the lives she touches. When she is found dead, Banks is asked to help find her killer. Banks matures over the course of the novel by confronting his own demons. May there be a another novel at Bank's new posting.